
Atlanta, Georgia: Full of Cultural Attractions & History

8:00 AM

Each year I like to celebrate my birthday by going to different states & countries. The destination doesn't really matter, my life goals is to go.... go.... go. Life is too short not to experience what this vast world has to offer. This year destination was something I always wanted to do, since the last time I visited ATL it was super brief, and I didn't really get to enjoy much there. This time around I allocated a total of 3 days to see what ATL had to offer, and I end up having the greatest time there.

We arrived Thursday night, and by Friday Morning we were off and running. Our first visit was the Georgia Aquarium, and later that day we visited the Coco-Cola Museum since both attractions are in the same area. Saturday we visited Stone Mountain, which could have easily taken up all my time. After a long day at Stone Mountain, we decided to hit the 'underground mall" which wasn't much to begin with, and I could have easily dropped that visit if I knew -_-. Sunday we checked out Martin Luther King Jr hometown before we finally headed to the airport to catch our afternoon flight.

Since I want to limited the amount of pictures for this post, I will just share some of my favorite pictures from there.

Georgia Aquarium

The Georgia aquarium is home to many animals, species, and attractions. It is considered one of the largest aquariums in the western hemisphere and I had a great time exploring it, but I have to admit that I have seen bigger aquarium (sorry Atlantians).

World of Coca-Cola

The World of Coca-Cola is a museum that showcasing the history of The Coca-Cola Company. There are a bunch of rooms that have some attraction ranging from history to even pop culture. That last bit of the tour is where you get to taste several sodas from around the world.

My daughter ends up enjoying this attraction the most. Even now she is still going off about this museum and the difference tastes of soda that is offered there. One of the pictures seen here is her tasting a soda that wasn't to her liking...lol


Stone Mountain

I believe that Stone Mountain is not really a mountain, but a hill? If it is a hill, why call it Stone Mountain? By the way, don't quote me on this, because my daughter stated that the tour guide mentions this. I have to be honest and state that I was too busy chattering with one of my friends and didn't hear a darn thing, so if someone can verify the above statement, I would greatly appreciate it.

The carving on the stone depicts three confederate soldiers (Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis) during the Civil War with their favorite horses. The craving is larger than a football field and is even bigger than Mount Rushmore. So when I say this park is a sight to behold, trust me, it's a sight to behold.

I also later found out that this mountain was once owned by the Venable Brothers, which use to house the second Ku Klux Klan around 1915. It was later purchased by the State of Georgia in 1958. To me, this finding totally made sense, especially regarding the huge carving that grace this park and Atlanta rich history in regards to the civil right movements etc.

This park is huge and I could not even put a dent on all the attraction and hiking trails that were there. So if you ever visit, plan one whole day for that area at least.

Martin Luther King Jr Birth Place 

You know I had to visit MLK hometown in Atlanta, Georgia. Even though I didn't have enough time to tour the inside of his home, I was still inspired by his words that was spoken loudly though out the street that was memorialize for him.

While you are there you will also get to read and learn about the Civil Rights movement, and the Freedom Riders, etc. All of this is completely free, so if you ever down there, try to include that area as a must do. First picture is of me and my daughter standing in front of his house.

This concludes my little adventure!  Right now I'm looking forward to my next upcoming trip, which is to Jamaica. Until next time ladies and gentlemen.

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  1. What a great trip recap and fun photos!! I have been to Atlanta but not really as a tourist (it was for a work trip). This is making me want to go back and visit again with my kids. I think they would really love the activities you did with your daughter.
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  2. These are incredible pictures! It looks like you had a wonderful time, Kreyola!

    - Deniz
    Dressed Up Deniz

  3. Amazing pictures! Great photography!
    Dora www.bangsbang.com

  4. Que show de imagens todas maravilhosas amei, bom final de semana.
    Vídeo Novo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06avCiMDYGA
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/

  5. Happy belated birthday, Kreyola. Gorgeous pics, such a beautiful way to celebrate your b_day. I am sure you enjoyed every single minute.

  6. Happy belated birthday, girl! Yesterday was my birthday too. I enjoyed all your pics and storied, what a meaningful way to celebrate life.

    From Jing at www.bejingxu.com

  7. Perfect pictures and great post!

  8. Happy belated birthday! Your daughter is so cute! :) x


  9. Their aquarium is fantastic, it's magical. The minions are adorable too. Happy belated birthday to you!

  10. Great photos dear!

    Please click on the link on my post

  11. I love ATL, I would totally move there! The Georgia Aquarium is one of my favorite places!


  12. What wonderful photos doll! :) Happy Belated Birthday x


  13. Looovely pictures! <3 Have a great day!


  14. Very lovely! Hope you have agreat Monday!


  15. Way to go celebrating you girl. You must have had great fun, the pictures speak for themselves. Happy Birthday and have a great week.

  16. Georgia looks like a pretty place filled with so much history. I hope one day I will be able to place my eyes on such beauty. Great post.


  17. Such a lovely trip! It must have been tons of fun...great way to celebrate one's birthday.



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