
Wow - My Sisterlocks Turn Six This Year

10:00 PM

Today marks my six-year Sisterlocks anniversary and it came out of nowhere. Now I truly understand why Sisterlocks bloggers at my length just disappear. Anyhow, here is the latest update regarding my Sisterlocks.

I still wash my Sisterlocks every 1-2 week, depending on my activity level. The only difference now is that I tend to wash and shampoo closer to the scalp now during the first half of the month, and by the end of the month (retighten day) I wash the full length of my locks. This save time, and money because the lower ends tends not to get dirty as much, and also tends to get super dry if I over clean it.

Other than the different range of style you see in the What I Wore series, I don't do much with my hair. I'm lazy, and I honestly couldn't be bothered to do curls or do braid-outs with this current length. In fact, the time and efforts it takes with this length is seriously making me wish when my Sisterlocks was shorter. I'm just letting my hair grow mid-back as a commitment/goal to myself.

Weight of My Sisterlocks
So many people are under the impression that my Sisterlocks are heavy. The only time they get a little heavier is when they are soaking wet, but to tell you the truth, the weight is not that much.

Just a side note, when I wearing my hair in a high bun, trust me when I tell you that the weight of my hair is not breaking my neck. The only comparison I can make is this, with my Sisterlocks at this current length, it is still lighter then when I use to wear long braid down to my mid-back, so that should tells you something.

I did a color refresh (Jet Black) last month, and the picture on the right is the result. I have to note that the color refresh is getting more and more expensive, but I don't ever see me switching because the result of Naturtint on my Sisterlocks is simplely amazing. My Sisterlocks looks and remain healthy, and with my current investment on my hair as a whole, it is worth it.

As for my current "routine" maintenance, that did not change at all except for the washing method mention above. If you interested in the break down of my maintenance, check out this post, it is very detail with the routine etc.

Next Goal
I have no goals as far as my Sisterlocks is concern. The currently length is perfect to me. I'm even coming to a point that even my messy buns are getting much harder to do because of the thickness and length. So just as an FYI, once my hair reach a certain length (lower mid-back), I will be trimming them, much to the horror of my friends and family, who didn't even like my Sisterlocks when I first had them done...lol

This concludes my update, now if I didn't answer a particular burning question you have; you are more than welcome to comment. I will see if I can make a post out of it. I do know that I pretty much covered a whole range of subjects regarding Sisterlocks, so I'm curious to find out what my reader can bring up to me.

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  1. Congratulations on the Six Year Mark! I am looking to catching with you in length one of these days!

  2. Congratulations! Your locks are beautiful and your posts are insightful!

  3. Congratulations! Are there any negative effects of trimming/cutting locs if they ever got too long for your preference? Do you have to wait until the locs are fully mature before they are cut?

  4. You hair looks amazing! My hair was your length but I just cut about six inces off about a week ago. It was getting to be a little long for my age and it got in the way a lot. It's still down to my bra in the back but shorter in front to frame my face when I wear it down. At 64 I felt it was too long for my age. I wish I there was sisterlock about 30 years ago. I would have been one free and fly sister!


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Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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