Reviews: SheInside & AliExpress

9:48 AM

This is my personal experience with buying from site like SheInside & AliExpress. Nothing was given to me for free from either site, and both had positive and negative buying experience. Base on my review, I'm sure if you wanted to; you can buy from site like Oasap and LightInTheBox, which I believe are very similar in concept to the sites mention above.


SheInside is very easy to navigate because of how its site is lay out. It is also cleaner, and more targeted toward fashion purchases then anything else. The only issues I have with them are their searches, and how it is not as accurate compared to AliExpress. For example, if you are searching for a yellow shirt, the search result will show all different color shirts, and not just the yellow shirt you looking for (even when you click on the actually product to see a yellow version of that shirt).

AliExpress on the other hands sells everything, and I mean everything. I would say AliExpress would be comparable to eBay & Amazon but from China. Because AliExpress is such a huge market place, it is not easy to navigate, unless you know what you are doing, and you know what you are looking for.  They have a  pretty good search engine for the most part, and that made them really hard to beat.

If I have to rate it, and I was basing it  purely on ease of use for a newbies, then the winner for site/navigation experience will have to go to SheInside, and that is only due for ease of shopping.


SheInside & AliExpress pricing used to be comparable, and was cheaper than American stores, but now the prices has gone up for a lot of their items. So unless you are buying something that is hard to find or extremely rare, I don't believe their site are worth the hassle when you can find something similar or in season at your current country.

Winner for affordable pricing would be AliExpress; because of its flea market type pricing (you will see multiply sellers selling the same items at different prices). Note: If you go super cheap, then the item you buy will reflect that pricing, and you are not offered a guarantee (for the most part) that the product you getting will match the pictures as advertised. So from my experience, the higher the price, the better quality you get.

Please note the example I show you above (second image) is an example pure and simple, note that the seller has no feedback, and he/she is selling this skirt for way too much. I'm just showing you the concept of the flea market pricing at AliExpress.

Quality of Products

The people that tend to buy from these sites are looking for either cheap goods or rare items. I fall under the rare items (or hard to find items).Even though you know the items are super cheap, you still hope that you can at least get a couple of wears from them. I find if you spend less, the quality of what you get there will also look and feel cheap.

If you pay more, you are gambling with your money, because A) you don't know if the product is worth the price you paying for, and B) you also don't know how it will fit, because compared to the USA and European size standard, Asian are considered petite and their size run SMALL. Below is my experience with both sites.

I find if I go to quality store on AliExpress, the clothes are really nice, and the quality is up to par, but you have to be a VERY experience shopper to buy from AliExpress. You have to look at so many factors before even hitting the buy button. I something like to visit store that have a higher price margin items, with better review to at least assure myself that I'm getting something good. I sometime spent a couple of minutes combing through reviews (using Google translate to translate some at times) and then looking at the actually picture of the product before I even buy an item from there.

Below is an example of what I look for when I'm viewing pictures of the product from either site, I like to see the product image of stitching and the fabric.

SheInside for the most part can sell pretty good items, but it is truly a hit and misses there sometime. I had an experience of pre-ordering an item base on the picture (which was an American modal), and the quality appeared to be good at the time I purchase that item. When I got the item, the quality was way different, and when I went back to the item to leave review, the picture was change to an Asian modal with a lower quality version of the product I purchase. This I what I considered a bait and switch, and that is why I stop buying from SheInside.

That is why I like to state that sometime it is not worth the hassle to buy from site likes these, unless the item is hard to find or rare.

Winner of Quality of Products goes to AliExpress, and only if you are a good and well train shopper. Which you will be after fully reading this review ^_-.


Both site can be considered slow compare to American & European delivery time, since it can take anywhere between 2-6 week for delivery of your items. SheInside is terrible though with the processing time, as well as the delivery time. Another negative against SheInside is that they charge for shipping, if your cart is less than $30. AliExpress sellers don’t charge a shipping rate most of the time.

So the winner for delivery goes to AliExpress hands down. AliExpress has free shipping, and a much faster shipping and processing time depending on the sellers you buy from.

Scam Factor

Both sites are not a scam, their customer service suck, but their sites are not fake. The people that use the site to sell their goods are the ones you have to worry about (as an example to eBay).

I notice a lot of the sellers use other "known" website images to depict their items to sell, and those are the one that tend to be shady if their pricing are super cheap. Most items on both sites tend to be knock-off of some fashion item or another. I personally like some fashion items that come from Korea, and China, and that why I purchases some stuff from there. I normally try not getting stuff that are knock-off of American fashion.

SheInside had some hit, and misses as far as representing their actually product, and so has AliExpress. I'm only giving this to AliExpress by a little bit, because some of their sellers do actually show images of what they are actually selling.  As an example shown on your right, this is an item I purchase from one seller that was clearly legit.

Honest Reviews

AliExpress truly is the best place to see honest review! At AliExpress, you can only review an item or seller if you actually purchased from them.

SheInside lets anyone review their items or clothes, you just have be a register user, and that just defeat the whole purpose to me (plus they offer reviewers 10 SheInside Points on top of that).

Winner here for "honest review" hands down goes to AliExpress.

Example of AliExpress Review System

 Example of SheInside Review System

Conclusion: Personally I like buying from AliExpress, because I always had a much better experience with them, and know what to look for vs. when I first started. I also really like the fact that their reviews are from HONEST BUYERS, unlike SheInside that lets anyone review their stuff.

If you new to buying from site like these, and you don't want to read this long post, I suggest getting your feet wet with SheInside. To tell you the truth, if you don’t want to read this post, in my honest opinion, I would suggest you to save your money, and don’t buy from either of these site.

If you can take your time, then read the step below and buy from AliExpress.

How to Buy

1) Know your "body" measurements!!!!! That is the most important factor when buying from these sites.

You need to understand that the clothes are coming from China, and they are SMALL compared to the American/European Standards. So please, and I mean PLEASE, look at their measurement, and description of each of the clothes you are "considering" buying. Most good seller’s on AliExpress (and SheInside) states the dimension of each item.

So if you want to buy from either site, get a measuring tape, and start measuring your bust, waist, sleeves, etc.

Check out below, I show you an example of what not to look at. Their sizing are often incorrect. I like to look at their measurement. As you can see below, the largest size they carry is an American Large. 

Tip: If you wear a medium in US size, mostly likely you be wearing Large and Extra Large (something XXL). Also make sure you check the sleeve length of each long sleeve items you thinking of buying. I'm tall with board shoulders, and long arms, and I only purchase long sleeve items that clearly states 62 or more cm for the sleeve.

2) Check their images for quality of their clothes, and the type of material use. Usually that will be a dead giveaway whether the items are good or not. Try not fall for the images that are taken by other site. They tend to be knock offs.

3) Check seller review, as well as review of the item you are purchasing. SheInside is terrible in regards of that.

4) Be willing to gamble just a little, and pay a little higher for an item you really want (usually the material and stitching are better). Also try to stay away from items where you know the fit will not be the same, especially if you are a westerner, and you are tall. Example, I have not purchase any pants from there or any long rompers. I just have a feeling that their version will be consider very "high waters" on me lol.

5) Only shop there if the items you want can't be found anywhere else.

Hope this post help make buying from these site a little bit easier. Sorry for the long post, but this will help you in the long run. I wish I found something like this when I first started buying from either site.

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  1. I am a fan of Sheinside, and have gotten some really great coats from them. The only drawback is that it always takes a month for me to get my items. Boo! Thanks for the write up, I enjoyed it! -xo


  2. It takes a while to get beside that like what they have to offer great detail information.

  3. I have never shopped from either sites, with this i just mite try Ali express

  4. Wow girl, what a thorough and insightful tips you came up with! I really found it helpful since I am not a active online buyer, for most of part, I like to see and touch whatever item I am considering buying.

    From Jing at

  5. Great post! I shop at aliexpress when I want knock off item, like wildfox sweaters!

    (IG: @TheStardustBohemian)

  6. Oh wow, what a great, thorough and detailed post! I have never ordered from either of these retailers although I've heard of both through blogs. I just get nervous about fit issues because I'm so picky about that. Thanks for taking the time to do all of these comparisons! This will be a great reference post for many people I'm sure!
    Gina - On the Daily Express

  7. Wow great review of these sites-- I agree with you that sometimes buying their stuff isn't worth the hassle unless it's a very unique item. When I bought a couple of things, they were worth the wait bc they were so cheap. But the wait was so long that I was not impressed! Also, once I bought a pre-sale item from Sheinside and it took FOREVER to arrive (like 2-3 months) and it DIDN'T FIT in the end... That was the last thing I ever bought from them...

    xx Debbie

    1. When the shipping takes 2-3 month, usually mean it a big holiday over there. They are bad not disclosing that though, and that is why I say their customer service suck.

  8. I never bought any clothes online, but I'm really curious about it. One day I'l give it a try! Great post! :)


  9. Essa loja e tudo de bom amei a postarem, uma semana abençoada.
    Siga e curta o meu canal;

  10. Excellent review. I must admit - I have come very close to buying from Chicwish, Sheinside etc but I always change my mind in the last minute. Not worth the hassle I feel like. It also sounds like doing returns is basically out of the question. Also, one thing I noticed with Ali Express is that they sell a ton of counterfeit goods - which did not make a great impression on me!

    - Deniz

    1. Yes they do sell a ton of counterfeit good. They are some store that are actually designer store from China, and use the site to sell their stuff. So not all of them are bad though. Just wanted to point that out.

  11. What a great and detailed review Kreyola, awesome job! I have to admit I have never bought anything at all at any of these shops such as Choices, Sheinside and so on, I am with Deniz. I like my shopping to be as easy as 123. Same goes for returning.
    Happy Monday girl

  12. Measuresment and sizes can be such a nightmare! I don't know about the states, but every European country had different sizes...even shoe sizes vary...In a store I may try shoe size 41 and 38- and have them both fit's a bit tiring process sometimes because when I find shoes I really like I must try so many sizes. Sorry, I went way off topic.

    Your review is excellent, very detailed and quite interesting to read. I don't like to order clothes online, usually I prefer to wear local brands or second hand, but this will surely stick in my head in case I decide to shop online.

    thank you for your comment btw<3

    1. The sizing here in the States are just as me. That is why your measurement is good thing to know when buying from either site. That is why I don't go base of their sizing anymore.

  13. Great post! Very informative. I always see AliExpress come up in my search engine searches at times, but I've never given it a shot. I thought it was an online novelty store. LOL Since I've started blogging, I've seen SheInside quite a bit, but have yet to try them. Now I'll know what to look for, if I do. Thanks doll!

  14. We've been wondering about these sights. Thanks so much for the reviews!!

    xx 365hangers

  15. Great reviews, i have never heard or shop from these site. Nice to read the review.

  16. This is a great review. I love Sheinside, but I hate waiting so long for my items. I almost always try to find something from a domestic side. I'm not that patient....

    Nicole to the Nines

  17. great review! I've never heard of AliExpress and have no real desire to shop on that site. I'm fine with paying more for a more known and reputable site. I know nothing about AliExpress until now so it may be well-known. I'm not sure. My brother bought me (or rather, I asked for it as an Xmas present) a Sheinside cardigan. I was aware the sleeves were shorter, which they were, but I don't know. I love the cardigan's style - something I haven't found yet in American stores. The only downside is that it's SUPER itchy, holy cow. Had I bought it in an American store or website, I would've returned it.
    Thanks for the review! I've never seen a blog post like this before :)

  18. Wow such a helpful post! Thanks dear!

  19. So nice to know about your complete experience, I have nerver buy in AliExpress, but after your words i hav to have a look there too

    Love the playfull swetshirt

    Melange-Boutique Blog by Noe&Lolita

  20. Great post! I love using Aliexpress too. Its so good for price
    Have a wonderful week!

    xx Cissy

  21. Great review, I'm thinking of ordering from Sheinside,.Aliexpress is new to me.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lmfao <3 I love that you said neither are a scam, but that their customer service sucks balls. That's very honest and I find that to be true for a majority of the on-line stores based in that particular region (i.e. slow to answer customer inquiries and generally unaccepting of returned items). So, I always take measurements and just really think long and hard about what I buy (and USE PAYPAL!) with those sites because I don't plan on returning anything. This is a very detailed and helpful review!

      - Anna

      P.S. Sorry, I found two typos and I just had to fix them or I'd lose sleep. Hehe.

    2. Haha...that is fine...I have those days too. The customer service suck balls have me cracking up here LOL.

  23. This was an outstanding review of SheInside vs. AliExpress! Thank you so much for taking the time to write everything down and share it!! I have a question; the measurements, are the the circumference of your body or the width of the shirt? I have seen some with ridiculously small measurements and I'm wondering why? Again, thanks!!

    Much Love,
    -Stephanie Eva

    1. You would have to measure the circumference of your body. That is what I do.


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