
What I Wore: Lace and Skull

8:34 AM

I was super late to work today. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong! My alarm didn't go off, and when I drop my daughter off to school, I noticed I left my tripod at home. Since I was already late, I decided to take the pictures of today outfit near my home, and it started to rain (like seriously??). So right after I post this, I'm going to get some much needed coffee, and I hope that is enough  to improve my mood a little.

Below outfit was purely me wanting to feature this lace skirt I purchased recently. I went with the pinstripe shirt because I think it makes the black skirt pop. The skull clutch added a nice edginess to this outfit.

If you have been following me, you may have notice the site has been revamped. I started working on it since Friday and certain things are still not working, but hopefully by the end of the week I would have figured out all the issues, and resolve them.

Outfit Consist of Pinstripe Shirt (J Crew Factory) | Lace Skirt (Forever 21) | Heels (Zara) | Clutch (Amazon)

Recreate This Look
Nail color is What's The Password from Orly. My makeup consist of what I consider my essentials, blush is M•A•C Raizin Matte Blush, and my lip color is Viva Glam VI outline with Chestnut, and prep with the EOS Lip Balm.

Link Up More Pieces of Me | On the Daily Express |  2 Cats And ChloeBless Her Heart Y'all

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  1. That skirt is bangin! You look amazing in it and i love that you paired it with the structured top. Just perfect. Http://morepiecesofme.com

  2. I love this look! You have the best work-wear style (okay, you have the best always style). The skirt is beautiful, and I'm obsessed with anything skull print. Really, I love it. I hope your day turned around after such a rough morning! Look good feel good, right? And your new blog layout is just gorgeous!! Congratulations on the change!

    The What's In Between

  3. So adorable skirt
    Maggie D.
    <a href="http://www.indiansavage.com”> Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion Blog </a>

  4. You look super chic! I love how a black lace skirt steps up every outfit!

    Happy Monday!

    - Deniz

  5. Your lace skirt is lovely, this is a very appropriate work look.

    Princess Audu

  6. Such a neat look! You look great!!


  7. you look amazing, great skirt, pretty combination!
    I like your blog, would u like to follow each other?



  8. From your instagram pic I couldn't tell that this skirt was lace. Now I love it even more! It looks so chic paired with the pinstripe shirt- this is a really fabulous outfit. The new site design looks great! Sorry your morning got off to such a rough start- it sounds like a very literal "when it rains, it pours" kind of day! I hope it goes up from here!
    Gina - On the Daily Express

  9. Super cute! Love the new layout!!

  10. beautiful skirt!

  11. Great look! And i am loving that clutch!!

    xo - Shauna


  12. you look so chic!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    ps. there's a £129 RayBan giveaway on my blog if you're interested! click here.

  13. Sounds like a very stressful morning! Hope the coffee helped! You look amazing nonetheless, the shoes are my favourite!

    Yasmeen xx
    The Mirror Affects

  14. Love this ensemble!! I want your shoes, so cute.

  15. Murphys law huh ;) well I know what you're talking about Kreyola. I just uhmmm.... love those days, lol. Nevertheless you just look stunning, and would you believe it? I have the very same skirt, yeah great minds ;) Hope your mood has improved already my darling.

  16. I love that outfit! It's stylish working attire.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  17. i'm all about that lace, bout that lace... LOL

    in all seriousness, i'm loving how you mixed the pinstripes with the lace pencil skirt. so chic!

    Kate | The Fancy Pants Report

  18. Yesterday was just one of those days. I'm telling you. I was late too. Oops. I really love that clutch. The skulls are small but fun once you spot them. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯

  19. Love your lace skirt!

    Oby Grace

  20. The details in the skirt are stunning <3 Rad bag, too!

    - Anna


  21. Such a beautiful outfit! Love your skirt!!
    xo, Jane

  22. So sorry to hear of your morning not going so well! I hate when my morning goes a little bad, and then it continues to decline. On a positive note, you look more than fab! You took these pics without a tripod? You have waaaaaay more talent than I do, that's for sure! I love your skirt and I love that you paired it with the pinstripes! It really does make the skirt pop!

    Thanks so much for joining us for the Celebrate Southern link up yesterday! I hope to see more of you next week! :) xoxo

  23. i love the mix lace and stripe gorgeous

  24. I LOVEEEEE this skirt! Mixed with your leather clutch! You are rocking this outfit lady!! Thank you so much for linking up with J (Bless Her Heart Y'all) and myself (www.2catsandchloe.com) for our second Celebrate Southern linkup! I am pinning your post to our official linkup pin board now!! :)

  25. a very creative mix!

    From Jing at www.bejingxu.com

  26. Love the skirt! Looking fab girl!


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