Retighten Time and How to Avoid the Long Hours
9:11 AM
Sisterlocks retighten varies depending on the consultant/trainee, size of lock, and how long you went without getting a retighten done. Below are the explanation and factors that can make a retighten range from 2 1/2 hours to 6 hours or more.
The more factors come in because someone has Sisterlocks, and has decided to go past the recommend time frame of 4-8 weeks. Once someone has past that "more" stage, their locks tend to merge together, and if they are merged, then they sometime needs to be split. Some locks may also end up being merge because the locks itself starts to get thin, and thus make merging to the next lock necessary in order to have a stronger base.
Depending on how experience a Consultant or Trainee is, will determined how fast she can do a properly rotation at a decent speed. I have to stress though that speed doesn't always equal quality. I have read some horror stories about consultants/trainee merging their client's locks without informing them so they can finish faster. So keep that in mind when you go for either a Consultant or Trainee. You can read more on the different between the two here.
Size of Lock
Size of one lock (and thickness of one hair) plays a HUGE role on how long your Sisterlocks retighten will be. If your locks are bigger (or you planning to go bigger), then of course you will have a shorter retighten time, but if your locks are smaller, your retighten time will be long. I have explain many time why I went the route of the smaller locks, but if you still curious, I simple did not want my locks to look like traditional locks. I have nothing again traditional locks, so please don't hate me (-__-). I found when you go big, and the locks have fully matured, it starts to look like traditional locks.
Day of the Last Retighten
Depending on the size of ones locks will determined the right time frame of when to get a retighten done. Most retighten length range from 4 - 8 weeks wait time. The smaller the size of the lock, the shorter the length of time you can wait to get a retighten done, since you can introduce the possibility of breakage if you prolong it.
The longer you wait to get a retighten, the longer it takes to retighten the roots (you are basically getting the new growth retighten). So to really break it down to you guys, the smaller the locks, the quicker the period before a retighten needs to happen (typically 4-6 weeks). For thicker locks, since they have more hair strands to support the individual locks, can range about 4-8 weeks.
How to Shorten Retighten Time
Find a good consultant or trainee to both install and maintain your locks. Once you have accomplished that goal, go for the bigger locks size (Brotherlocks). Now if you have already accomplished both, then these two tips should be enough, but if you wanting the 2 1/2 hours’ time frame, then I suggest going every 4 weeks to get your new growth touch up (retighten).
Conclusion: I go every 4-6 weeks, and my can retighten can range from 4 to 5 1/2 hours. I honestly prefer to go every 4 weeks, but my consultant is going to school, so she fits me in her between her schedules. Now that my locks have matured, I can go as long as 6 weeks without any issues. If you are confused about the terms used on this post, please check out this post. Shout out to Cheri for the idea for this post =).
The more factors come in because someone has Sisterlocks, and has decided to go past the recommend time frame of 4-8 weeks. Once someone has past that "more" stage, their locks tend to merge together, and if they are merged, then they sometime needs to be split. Some locks may also end up being merge because the locks itself starts to get thin, and thus make merging to the next lock necessary in order to have a stronger base.
Depending on how experience a Consultant or Trainee is, will determined how fast she can do a properly rotation at a decent speed. I have to stress though that speed doesn't always equal quality. I have read some horror stories about consultants/trainee merging their client's locks without informing them so they can finish faster. So keep that in mind when you go for either a Consultant or Trainee. You can read more on the different between the two here.
Size of Lock
Size of one lock (and thickness of one hair) plays a HUGE role on how long your Sisterlocks retighten will be. If your locks are bigger (or you planning to go bigger), then of course you will have a shorter retighten time, but if your locks are smaller, your retighten time will be long. I have explain many time why I went the route of the smaller locks, but if you still curious, I simple did not want my locks to look like traditional locks. I have nothing again traditional locks, so please don't hate me (-__-). I found when you go big, and the locks have fully matured, it starts to look like traditional locks.
Day of the Last Retighten
Depending on the size of ones locks will determined the right time frame of when to get a retighten done. Most retighten length range from 4 - 8 weeks wait time. The smaller the size of the lock, the shorter the length of time you can wait to get a retighten done, since you can introduce the possibility of breakage if you prolong it.
The longer you wait to get a retighten, the longer it takes to retighten the roots (you are basically getting the new growth retighten). So to really break it down to you guys, the smaller the locks, the quicker the period before a retighten needs to happen (typically 4-6 weeks). For thicker locks, since they have more hair strands to support the individual locks, can range about 4-8 weeks.
How to Shorten Retighten Time
Find a good consultant or trainee to both install and maintain your locks. Once you have accomplished that goal, go for the bigger locks size (Brotherlocks). Now if you have already accomplished both, then these two tips should be enough, but if you wanting the 2 1/2 hours’ time frame, then I suggest going every 4 weeks to get your new growth touch up (retighten).
Conclusion: I go every 4-6 weeks, and my can retighten can range from 4 to 5 1/2 hours. I honestly prefer to go every 4 weeks, but my consultant is going to school, so she fits me in her between her schedules. Now that my locks have matured, I can go as long as 6 weeks without any issues. If you are confused about the terms used on this post, please check out this post. Shout out to Cheri for the idea for this post =).

That's true about the size. I am SHOCKED at how my large SLs in the back of my head look..some are thicker than my BLs ever were. Still I accept it all and will not split or take them down..whatever. I have lived and learn and do know what to do with them, so I'm cool. I'm also going to trust that they will shrink to half this size by year 3/4. However, my hair is thick in density and diameter, which contributes to my outcome. Since I knew I would be DIY with this set, I thought a large SL would be smaller than a BL, helping me to avoid breakage issues etc..Well, by month 4 my babies totally transformed and looked nothing like my install size. The process still amazes me and there's still so much to learn...
ReplyDeleteI'm constantly learning, so I totally understand. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post.
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