
Sisterlocks: Certified Consultant VS. Trainee VS. Other

9:16 AM

This post will talk about the different between Certified vs. Trainee when considering Sisterlocks. The "other" is a extra information but still note worthy to share. When looking for someone to install your locks, you have two main choices, and that is the certified list vs. the trainee list on sisterlock.com. Below I will explain the cons as well as the pros of going with either choice. Note: They are also R-Certified Consultants that are higher than the Certified Consultant, but that just means that they are consultant who can also train individual on how to retighten their own sisterlocks.

Certified Consultant
They are required to take the 4-Day course on how to install & maintain sisterlocks. To become certified, they have to complete a certain amount of install (submit documentation on 3 qualifying clients minus children and relatives) and pay extra fee to hold the certification. Certified Consultants are then register for 2 years and must submit 1 client photo with documentation they have maintained the client for a year. The great thing about "Most" certified consultants is that they take being a sisterlocks consultant very seriously, because they chose to pay the extra fee to become certified, as well as being committed to their works. They also tend to be much faster, as well as being very experience in what they do. Due to the fact that a certified consultants has a lot of experience, the person that will benefit the most from them is someone that has looser curl pattern, because they are able to detect and figure out issues faster and fix any issue that may arise from that particular hair type.

Now just because a consultant is certified, doesn't mean they are always good, or that they are the best option for you. Most certified consultant are likely to be more expensive, and have a long list of client, which makes them harder to get a hold of or have appointment set in the spar of the moment. Also some certified consultant are known for developing some very bad habits as well as being less patience when dealing with new clients.

Pro: Tend to be very fast with lots of experience.
Con: Price per market (can be very expensive). They tend to be difficult to get a hold of. Can become very arrogant and sometime do not follow the sisterlocks guideline.

Trainee (Sisterlocks Practitioner)
They are required to take the 4-Day course on how to install sisterlocks & maintain sisterlocks. Now below I list the common cons, but a lot of trainee can have as much as experience as a Certified Consultant, so just because they are listed as trainees does not mean they don't have any experience nor does it mean they are slow. That is why I always recommend seeing not only a certified consultant but a trainee as well. Look at their works and don't just focus on the certification.

Trainees remain on the register for two years and can either go the route of certification or retake the refresher course to remain active on the registry on sisterlocks.com. After the 2 years have expired,  the trainee is placed in the category of inactive status (removed from site). A lot of trainee come from a hair background (whether is braiding or installing traditional locks), and they tend to follow the lower price end because they want to attract more clients. Just because they a cheaper, doesn't mean they are not good, they too had to complete the same training as the certified consultant.

Pro: Can be an inexpensive way to start sisterlocks. Tend to be eager and very friendly.
Con: Can be very slow and have little experience.

Other: The "other" are former Certified/Trainee Consultant that has experience, but chose NOT to be re-certified or is not current with Sisterlocks.com. I have to list this here because these consultant are still consultant (if they have the Sisterlocks tools etc.), and can still provide "good" sisterlocks service. They sometime are relative cheaper, and have the experience of a certified consultant (the best of both worlds). Normally the "others" base their business solely on word of mouth and can be verified if you call the main home office. You have to be very careful when you go with this option though (since they are fakers out there). Another note you have to consider is if you have an issue with these consultants, you may not get the support you want from the main office, since they are not on listed on the site. If you do decide to go with the "other" option, I would make sure they have the skill sets and the tools to install your sisterlocks correctly.

Whatever you decide, please go with your gut instinct. If something is not right or they refuse to answer your questions, move on to the next consultant on your list (and please make sure you have a list). Sophia did a great post on how to pick a consultant so check it out here.

Updated 10/16/2013: To included additional information from nokidding sisterlocks! =).

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  1. This is about the BEST post I've seen on this explanation! I chose #3 OTHER!! And took about a year after interviewing her and others that fell in all 3 categories, before deciding that her spirit and philosophy most mirrored the journey I envisioned for myself and it's been true to form. Thank you for this. I will be sure to share and link. Again, great, balanced,informative post!!

    1. Thanks!!! I'm glad this post was helpful. Really hope it help others make a wise decision when getting sisterlocks :D.

  2. Hi kreyola, Thanks for the post. I am on the fence about getting SL's. This post helps me out a lot. I'm still doing the research and trying to decide if I should use a trainee or a certified consultant. I just want to have a great journey with them. My hair is fine and my density is not thick. I just want to pick the right person. This post is great! Thanks!

    1. You welcome!!! Hope your journey goes well :D

  3. Sisterlocks seem like a big investment! I debated getting them but eventually just decided to go with small interlocks...So those who have sisterlocks and take the class to do their own maintenance still aren't considered a consultant right?

    1. If they went for the 4 day training, and do their own maintenance they are considered Sisterlocks Practitioner not Consultant. The "Consultant" title gets used by Trainee, but the official title is "Sisterlocks Practitioner". Either way, if a practitioner that is NOT listed on the site does someone else sisterlocks, using the tools, grid, etc. then those individual will still have sisterlocks. Sisterlocks is determined by the grids, tools, and technique (per JoAnne). Hope this explanation makes sense?

  4. Thanks for the linke love I just saw it :-)

  5. Thanks for the honorable mention Kreyola. I certainly apprecite it. Great article by the way.

  6. A trainee or certified consultant can take the refresher course as many times as they choose, even yearly, it DOES NOT activate your status on the website. The affilate may request additional time from the Home Office to remain on the site, with additional requirements. If a client calls in a complaint the person may get a call from the home office. However please understand in our contracts it states "independent consultants". It is important to have more than one consultation when optioning for SL's. I am famliar with many people in the "other" category, one of which is featured in the SL product brochure. Some simply may not have a need to be listed on the website based on current client numbers and/or depends on their goals as a lockitician.

    1. "...it DOES NOT activate your status on the website"

      Now I'm confused? I read that particular information from another consultant (2 in fact). So how do you end up being removed from the website? Is there a fee to remain on the site? The other category may end up being a really moot point if nothing is needed to remain active on sisterlock.com. I will update this post once I get a CLEAR answer on how you remain active on the site.

    2. i think it is 275 or 225. I havent bothered to recertify (I only do family, friends, and my own hair) so i am not quite sure.

    3. Interesting information Zakkiyyah. Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. The trainee is allowed two years to seek certification, which is submitting 3 clients pictures and client questionnaires to the SL home office. You may have only 1 or 2 that are accepted. If so then you must use submit another client over the two year deadline. After the 2 years have expired and the trainee is placed in the category of inactive status (removed from site). The trainee can request a 3 to 6 month extension for additional time to become certified. The additional time requires a refresher course and the intent to submit the 3 qualifying clients. Afterward if the requirements for the initial extension are not met then removal for website. The trainee may still take refresher classes as many times as they choose without being on the website. Certified Consultants are register for 2 years and must submit 1 client photo with documentation they have maintained the client for a year and pay a fee. If the SL CC does not, they may apply for an extension after being placed inactive , pay a fee, take refresher class, submit docs to be place back on website in active status. The "other" category does not necessary mean discounts to clients, since some may have more experienced than a newly CC. The SL can verify if the person you choose has been trained and when they the last refresher course was taken. A new contract is signed each time we are retrained/refreshed. Hope this helps!

    1. Thanks so much for your information!!! I went ahead and updated my post.


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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
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Pattern - Double 3
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