
Looking Back...Happy 4th Anniversary to Me!!!

9:11 AM

Being four years sisterlocked is a major hurdle for me. I honestly wanted to cut my locks off and start over again when my hair started thinning in the beginning of year two. I never shared those thoughts, because it really was a really dark time for me and it was just me thinking anyways. I decided to stop thinking like that after reading the struggles facing Bajan Lily. I don't know if Bajan Lily know how much her post about her struggle help me stop being so selfish and vain. It made me just stop and enjoy the fact I had majority of my hair, and at the same time, accept that I'm not my hair. My locks are, for the most part healthy and I'm looking forward to year 5 of being sisterlocked. Below are pictures of my sisterlocks through-out the years.
The first year was a really cool year with my sisterlocks. I really love the auburn color I had, and if I could continue with that same color (without the bleach), I would have been rocking that vs. the jet black color that I have now currently. Now the second year was a bit of a pain with the color choice I picked, which lead me to better understanding about coloring etc. later on..

Second year was a rough one for me. My hair was thinning, and I wasn't feeling the dye I did for my trip to Saint Lucia. For some reason, I didn't think I need to lift the darker color of my locks first, before proceeding to apply the new color. So I was left with the tips being the color I wanted, and the darker color being just blah. I also dislike the fact that my locks were two tone vs. just one solid color (I'm very picky that way -_-).

Once the color grew out a little, I just dyed my hair all black, and never looked back. Yeah on occasion I do miss the color I had my first year, but I much prefer how healthy my sisterlocks looks now with the jet black color and how uniform it looks. When I need some color, I will play with many of the faux color option I have now.

My third year being sisterlocks has to be my favorite. Even though I had more lock that thinned out and broke off (and I still have more to go), the length and how they look over all, made this year the best as far as being sisterlocked is concern. I also enjoyed the fact that I don't have to worried much about bundling or suffering from any slippage or unraveling locks. The only issues that stop this year from being perfect was the middle of my scalp (having immature as well as short locks) compare to the rest of my locks. A thing to note about people that suffer from thinning hair is that the texture that is thinning out (at least for me) changes all the time, so the locking and mature of those locks varies. Note: First picture is how my middle scalp is doing for anyone that is curious.

Hope you guys continue to enjoy my posts and I'm looking forward to my next anniversary. I would also like to thank you guys for bearing with me as far as my writing is concern (wish I hope is improving) as well as for being with me through the bad and good time...XoXo Kreyola

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  1. awesome journey and thanks for sharing! kudos to year 4 and many more! your journey will help so many struggling with thinning issues bc you have a gorgeous head of locks!!!!

    1. Thanks Cheleski :D. Patience and determination is the key here!! Looking forward to reading about your journey as well.

  2. Kreyola, you are definitely an inspiration to me and many others! If people do not speak out then people can not find their common threads.

    1. I totally agree with you!! I was never a person that can hide something that can help or give hope to someone else that struggle with similar issues. Thanks for the compliment as always :D

  3. Great post Kreyola! You are always my inspiration especially when I feel like not continuing in my journey.

    1. I'm glad I was of help. Thanks for the comment!!!

  4. Your hair looks amazing! I have really enjoyed following your journey. I really like the dark color. It looks very rich. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Terez :D. I really appreciate the fact that you been with me for so long. Hope all is well at your end and say Hi to your little girl :D.

  5. Your hair looks OUTSTANDING!!! What a fun journey. You have learned and thank you for sharing so much.

    1. Thanks Lady Butterfly :D. You also been here for a long time. Hope we can continue this journey together for a long time.

  6. Congrats on making it to 4 years! I love following your journey. Keep the posts coming :)

  7. Congratulations on reaching your 4 year mark! You and your locs are absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to see another 4 years of your journey (if you decide to keep going). These pictures are lovely and definitely highlight the beauty of your hair. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks and I really appreciate the comment :D. I will continue to enjoy your new journey as well.


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Blog Archive

Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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