
How To: Applying Hot Oil Treatment to Sisterlocks or Locs

4:54 PM

This is how I apply my hot oil treatment, based on how a user on Facebook explained, and my findings. I also recommend applying this on settle locks only! Please keep in mind that even though your locks are settled, please do it a day prior to getting your locks retighten (my apologies to all the sisterlocks consultants O_O).

The reason why you want to do this hot oil treatment a day prior to your retighten is that your consultant will need to fix the slippages that may or bound to happen. Note: I choose not to do this with my hair bonnet dryer since a lot of my reader may not have that option. If you do have a bonnet hair dryer, just do Step 1,2, 5, 6, and Final Step and sit under your dryer for 10-20 min.

Material Needed
Shower Cap
Vegetable Oil (Coconut Oil , Castor Oil, Olive Oil , etc.)
Essential Oils (I used Lavender , Sage , & Rosemary for it soothing & growth properties.)
Big Bowl
Small Bowl
Micro Fiber Towel

STEP 1: Split your locks into four sections. Please note that my hair is currently under going hair color from Adore. If you decide to do a rinse at the same time, make sure the adore rinse is completely dry before applying this treatment.

STEP 2. Mix your oils in a small bowl.  Note: I used Olive Oil (ran out of Jojoba Oil) & Castor Oil as my vegetable oil. I wish I could use castor oil alone but it's way to thick, but at the same time, I like how soft the castor oil makes my locks. That is why I choose to mix it with a lighter oil (preferable Jojoba Oil).

STEP 3: Fill a big bowl with hot water and microwave it. You want it hot. Takes about 10 minute depending on the microwave. Note: This step could be avoided by using using a hair bonnet dryer.

STEP 4: Soak your towel in the hot water. You will let that cool down a bit until it's not burning hot. While the towel is soaking, proceed to Step 5.

STEP 5: Warm up your hot oil treatment, make sure it is not burning hot (you want it to be very warm). You are going to apply it to your sisterlocks from root to tip. I also massage my scalp with my hand that was already oily for extra circulation. That is totally optional!

STEP 6: Cover your locks with an inexpensive shower caps. If you have longer locks, you may not be able to get away with inexpensive cap, since they tend to run small, and my locks are starting to not fit them.

STEP 7: Your towel should be hot, but not hot to touch. Grab it and wring most of the water out and then wrap the hot towel over your covered locks.

STEP 8: While the towel is on your locks, reheat the bowl of water again. Repeat Step 7 again after the towel on your head has cool down.

FINAL STEP: Once you have completed Step 8, go ahead and thoroughly wash your locks with shampoo & conditioner (I used a moisturizing set). I highly recommend doing the final rinse with cool water to seal in the hair shaft and minimize the fizziness of your locks.

I tend to do this treatment after I have done a deep clarifier or applying a color rinse. That is how I restore moisture back to my locks, after putting my locks through the ringer. The above picture is the final result of a color update and a hot oil treatment. My hair needs a retighten, and I made sure I did it before my appointment.

Note: I can stress enough that this is NOT for newbie locks. This is only for settle locks. Also with settle locks, you may experience slippage around the trouble spot you had while your sisterlocks was transitioning. Also, if you have issue with fizzy locks, this is NOT for you. I repeat, if you have issue with fizzy locks, this is NOT for you!!!

Keep your treated locks covered at home, and make sure to avoid wearing lint heavy clothes the day of the treatment.

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  1. Hi Kreyola
    I see the different types of oil you use for the hot oil treatment. Is there anyway you can tell the specific amount of each oil to mix together for the hot oil treatment?

    1. It really depends on how long your Sisterlocks are currently. If you plan on using Castor Oil, then you need to diluted the amount that you have where it is not so sticky and thick. Usually thinner oils works best, for example like Jojoba & Olive Oil. Hope I answered your question.

  2. Hi Kreyola
    How often should a hot oil treatment done?

    1. Only when you feel like your locks are dry. Normally it will shed more than usually. I color my Sisterlocks jet black, and I know when my Sisterlocks need a treatment just by the shedding alone.

  3. I love the feeling of a hot oil tx on my locks. Great post!


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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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