Results/Review/Comparrison: Magnetic Roller Set VS. Flat Ironing Sisterlocks
3:51 PM
Magnetic Roller Set
and Flat Ironing
give the same results, and that is s extra length and soft layer waves on Sisterlocks. I found out about roller set from a fellow blogger named Terez, and I like the whole idea of the roller set result without using any heat.
Both of these method has it's advantages and disadvantages.Below is my review of the results (flat ironing & magnetic roller sets). You can find the full review of the magnetic roller sets here. You can also check out my original flat iron result and review of my protect hair spray as well.
Results Review
Longevity - Roller Set & Flat Iron (Tied) they both lasted a day (wave/curls). You can get extra days by hair pining your wave before going to bed, but it is time consuming. Click here for getting the extra day wave look.
Low Risk - Roller Set is a clear winner and is less risky since you are not applying any direct heat.
Time Management - Flat Ironing is a clear winner. It took me a total of 30 minutes to get the the result I wanted (less if I wasn't to picky). There was no applying, drying or removal needed.
Length - Flat ironing winner, because you apply heat directly to the locks, which in turn give you more length.
Straightness - Flat ironing is the winner again
Final Note: The clear winner with the above comparison is flat ironing, BUT I like both. I don't flat iron my sisterlocks all the time due to the fact that it applies heat on my locks (hence why I air dry a lot). I like the fact that I can have that flat iron result without applying heat, as in case with the roller set. The roller set requires (if I don't use my hair bonnet dryer) a little more time on hand before doing it, which is fine, but I worry with more length, would I get the same result like the flat ironing? Will have to revisit that when the times comes.
If you can, and don't care much about flat ironing your locks, I would get both, and that is only if you REALLY love the result of these. Do the flat ironing sparely, and when you are in NOT in a time crunch, use the roller set (without any heat) when you have time.
Conclusion: If you don't want ANY heat on your locks, then the clear choice for you would be the magnetic roller set. I will not be doing the "air dry" method when I use the magnetic rollers, because the time it took dry is not worth it for me in a long run, especially for a style that barely last more than a day.
Both of these method has it's advantages and disadvantages.Below is my review of the results (flat ironing & magnetic roller sets). You can find the full review of the magnetic roller sets here. You can also check out my original flat iron result and review of my protect hair spray as well.
Results Review
Longevity - Roller Set & Flat Iron (Tied) they both lasted a day (wave/curls). You can get extra days by hair pining your wave before going to bed, but it is time consuming. Click here for getting the extra day wave look.
Low Risk - Roller Set is a clear winner and is less risky since you are not applying any direct heat.
Time Management - Flat Ironing is a clear winner. It took me a total of 30 minutes to get the the result I wanted (less if I wasn't to picky). There was no applying, drying or removal needed.
Length - Flat ironing winner, because you apply heat directly to the locks, which in turn give you more length.
Straightness - Flat ironing is the winner again
Final Note: The clear winner with the above comparison is flat ironing, BUT I like both. I don't flat iron my sisterlocks all the time due to the fact that it applies heat on my locks (hence why I air dry a lot). I like the fact that I can have that flat iron result without applying heat, as in case with the roller set. The roller set requires (if I don't use my hair bonnet dryer) a little more time on hand before doing it, which is fine, but I worry with more length, would I get the same result like the flat ironing? Will have to revisit that when the times comes.
If you can, and don't care much about flat ironing your locks, I would get both, and that is only if you REALLY love the result of these. Do the flat ironing sparely, and when you are in NOT in a time crunch, use the roller set (without any heat) when you have time.
Conclusion: If you don't want ANY heat on your locks, then the clear choice for you would be the magnetic roller set. I will not be doing the "air dry" method when I use the magnetic rollers, because the time it took dry is not worth it for me in a long run, especially for a style that barely last more than a day.
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