
Mixology: Oils for Controlling Thinning Hair

7:06 AM

I get a lot of questions on what works for thinning hair or increasing hair growth. I tend to do a lot of research, planning, and development and I thought doing this series on oil mixture would be a nice chapter for my blog. I will be releasing a series of post that talks about mixing oils for any type of hair & scalp related issue.

My first post in the "mixology" series will be about hair thinning, since I have been battling this issues for years and it is very personal to me.
Materials Needed

3-4oz Cobalt Blue or Amber Wide-Mouth Jar
1/4 (2oz) Measuring Cup

Recipe: Essential & Carrier Base Oils for Thinning Hair

7 Drops of Rosemary 100%
Pure Essential Oil

5 Drops of Clary Sage 100%
Pure Essential Oil

2 oz (1/4 cup) of Jamaican Black
Castor Oil
Carrier Base Oil

Note: This mixture should last for about 4-6 month of daily use.
Note: Most 100% essential oil comes in a little bottle that have orifice reducer or a small hole. The size of the drop vary but it should even out the same. Whenever you are creating an essential oil mixture, you will need to apply it to a carrier base oil. If you added an extra drop of essential oil by accident, just add more carrier oil to dilute it. The key is to dilute the essential oil so it doesn't irate the skin or scalp. To learn more about what essential oils and carrier oils are  click here.

Benefits of each Essential Oils & Carrier Oil on the above recipe

Rosemary is a well known ingredient/essential oil that is used on most hair care products ranging from shampoo, conditioner, and even hair color. Rosemary essential oil on hair is mostly used to stimulate hair follicles and increase hair growth. It is highly recommended to be use for the prevention of hair loss as well as slowing down the process of hair loss. 
Clary Sage is also a well known ingredient/essential oil. It used to strengthens hair follicles, tone skin, as well as stimulate hair growth.
Black Castor Oil is highly recommended by many of the natural hair community to help with hair growth and hair retention. Also this carrier base oil has an extra side benefit, which is that it is a natural anti-bacterial, and anti-fungicidal fighter, which in turn protects the scalp.

Final Note: It always my recommendation to people that is experience major hair thinning, to seek professional advice. Document your process via pictures to see if your hair is progressing or getting worst. The above solution may works for some people, and if it doesn't work for you, then you need to consider getting some professional help.

My recipe can be adjusted to suit your needs or wants. If you don't like the smell of this mixture you can add a drop or two of an essential oil that you do like the smell of. Keep in mind that you must remain in the 12 drop range to be at a 1 percent dilution. So that mean you will have to subtract from one of the essential oil in the above mixture. Just make sure you dilute it enough where it doesn’t irate your scalp or skin. Have fun and if you know of a recipe for hair thinning please comment on my post. Remember sharing is caring!

Please note: This mixture is purely based on research. So use caution and please test on your skin first. If you not sure of any of these essential oils you welcome to contact an aromatherapy specialist for advice and usages. All of my mixture are at a 1 percent dilution. You can go up to 2.5 dilution if your scalp/skin can handle it. Do not use while pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have allergies please test a small amount first. Keep away from small children. If you have high blood pressure do not use. More Information on measurement can be found here http://www.ehow.com/how_2200143_how-much-essential-oil-use.html. More helpful & caution tips can be found here http://www.aroma-essence.com/mini-guide.html.

Image source for castor plant : http://chiotsrun.com/2009/10/03/castor-bean-plant/

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  1. Oh great. I been using it ever since and it has done wonders to my sides and thinning middle :).

  2. Why should I not use if I have high blood pressure?

  3. Rosemary herb may raise blood pressure. So people with high blood pleasure are told to stay away from rosemary.

  4. With this mixture...do you leave it in or put it on for a half an hour and rinse it out or...? :)

  5. How should you use it? How often, how much, how do you put it in, like above..do you leave it in? Thanks!

  6. I put it every time I wash my hair or if I feel the area is dry. Since Castor is thick oil you can rub it in by dripping your finger in the mixture and rubbing it around the area of slow growth. I don't wash it out but if you don't like the thickness of it on your scalp you can leave it for 24 hours and then rinse it out.

  7. I have had locks for 14 months and I have alopecia at the top of my head and these locks are not yet locked and have a frizzy look at the end. I am wondering if the oil mixology would be helpful in my situation. Also I have areas around the front edges which will separate from the lock and looks like a mini afro. I see some people just cut it off, however I would like to have them turned into very small locks. these are what I call problem areas.

    1. This mixology may help your situation. It wouldn't hurt to try. I still used it, and found it to be helpful ( you can check out my update post and see the difference). As for the area that you have the mini afro, I would let it grow out, and just continue to lock it, that what my consultant does.

  8. I have the same issue with thinning in the middle. It was a problem before I had locs too. I'm doing rosemary, sage, avocado and jojoba oil as my mixture. I decided to go with these oils based on what they do for hair. Do you think this is a good mixture? I hate the locs that are thin in the middle

    1. That is a good mix. The rosemary and the sage is the most important element in this mix.

  9. I forgot to say that my mixture is a spray or you just using yours as an oil?

    1. I use mines as a thick oil mixture with the castor oil and wash it out the next day.

  10. Why do you have an Amber or cobalt jar?

    1. I have a post that explain in more detail on the why, but it to keep the product from going bad.


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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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