
My Bad Hair Day or Not...

11:22 PM

A person asked me "what is a bad hair day for sisterlocks?” I don't have much of a bad hair day really. My bad hair day consist of being lazy with my sisterlocks, and pulling them back, and adding an accessory in the front (found a great moisturizer, so now I don't even need to wet it. I will do an in-depth review once I have tested it out).

I still can’t do a decent ponytail, if I could, I would be rocking that. Today I decided to take some pictures on my way to work, on what I consider my "bad hair" day. Most people find my hair still looking cute on those days. I'm badly needed of retightening but you can't really tell from the pictures. My retighten is schedule for next week Friday.

Length of my hair
I get major skringage
Head TiltedClose up of my sisterlocks

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  1. Kreyola your SLs look so cute and lovely. That hair accessory + the ear rings… gal you just rock. Don't force a pony tail cause you could strain the locks which may lead to breakage.

  2. Thanks Zar. Yeah I won't force the pony tail. I took your advice about the tight braiding as well. The only loose pony tail I can do is the twin, and that one makes me look like a little girl *cough* my daughter stated that ROFL.

  3. If thats a bad hair day then I look forward to having one. LOL! Your hair looks so beautiful. Have a great day!

  4. That is my so called "Bad Hair" day. Putting any accessory on your locks, weather it short or long, will always spice things up. Thanks for the comment sweetie and be blessed.

  5. I wish this is what my bad hair day looked like! LOL! Your SLs look great!!!

  6. Thanks IRockLocs! I really appreciate that! I love your blog by the way.


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Blog Archive

Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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