Sisterlocks & Why do they think we are Snobbish?

6:03 AM

The sisterlocks community is getting a bad reputation. The word on the street is that we are snobby people. When I visit a blog or forum, someone always throw in a snob comment about the sisterlocks community.  Someone would make a comment about us being a snob then state "Oh I don't mean to lump you all together but..." I can't speak for others but I know I'm not snob, if anything I such a bloody geek that it scare me sometime =). I embrace all type of dreads and traditional locks, and I'm very much surprise that sisterlocks are consider a group of people that look down on any type of dreads.

Sisterlocks vs. traditional lock debate is so silly to me. Like the saying goes...a loc is a loc. everyone is different and everyone has a certain style or look that they want. It doesn't matter the cost etc of that style. It all about what you want, and what makes you happy. I may be the lucky one, since I haven't met a snobbish person from the sisterlocks community yet, and I hope I never meet one.

Now I going to try to take a stab at why others people may view the other sisterlocks communities as snob. One thing that comes to mind is the consultant, and how much pride they take in their work. Maybe to someone else, that may come off as snobbish? Another option on why we are consider a snob, is the cost of having them install, as well as the myth that you are bound to one consultant forever. The final stab at this issue would be how sisterlocks doesn't look like locks (another myth), and maybe we, as sisterlocks wearer, are confirming to European society by having locks that look like straight hair. What do you guys think? Have you indeed run into snobbish people in the sisterlocks community and can you share you experience?

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Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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