Is it too much?
11:12 AMI get a lot of comments on how small my locks are, and at this stage, I don’t think they are getting any bigger. My locks are locking up, showing sign of getting thicker and bigger from when I first gotten them. As you can see on the left pictures, my locks were much smaller and thinner then.
When I tell people I have a totally of 823 locks and counting, they all say, wow that is too much. I love my micro sisterlocks and now I wonder if I should even tell people the amount of locks I have. While I’m excited about knowing how many lock I have, others founds it way to daunting. My thing is this; I told my consultant that I love thick and full hair, hence why I pick the micro to small version of sisterlocks. I love my sisterlocks, and I don’t for a minute regret my choice and my journey. I just want my hair continue to grow and hope this blog helps people who is just starting this journey.
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